Yum ... feta
We decided to try some Feta with a few herbs in oil. Soaked for a few days.. wow. Awesome, as opposed to the goats milk feta from a previous blog post !
Hard at work with the feta in flavoured oil |
This year we didn't have a Spring to speak of and it's been quite hot. Trying to live with a low environmental footprint, we have no A/C etc and on a warm day (as it was on Sunday !) it reminded me of how effective the mud brick construction and closed windows are at keeping the house cool on such a hot day. I took this photos of the thermometer proving the point.
Inside Temp ion the LHS; Outside Temp on the RHS |
36.9 outside and 26.1 inside. Nearly 11 degrees difference. We had just got back from a swim on the nearby Nymboida Rv, so we enjoyed how cool it was inside, amazing difference !
Fruit Fly
We tried a different method of fruit fly control this year involving traps for male adults on fence posts and enclosures and spraying organic deterents on the tree trunks. We can report back it didn't work at all and sadly we lost all our fruit. We cleaned the peaches and nectarines off the trees the other week, and this week the apples off our two trees. We need to cook them in garbage bins in the sun for a few days :( Next year we will bag them individually, as much as we can, it's the only process that seems to work)
Fruit fly stung apples |
Weird Lookin' !
No I am not talking about me but in the process of stripping the fruit fly stung apples off the tree we came across this unlikely looking fellow
Macleay's Spectre |
Wow.. what a beauty, a
Macleay's Spectre (Extatosoma tiaratum), a female I believe, from all it's thorns. No they don't bite or sting and prefer Eucalyptus leaves (like a Koala !). She must have got lost on her way to the Gum Trees ! She was perfectly camouflaged and even waved about, when the leaves moved in the breeze.