Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bountiful harvest

We have been very slack with posting lately. We have been berating ourselves and this morning I decided to come upstairs to the computer and start a new post. Instead I found the below draft so I decided to publish this one and get cracking on another.

The last few months have been the driest any of the locals can remember and we have started to despair. Trev placed a stick on the edge of the dam and said 'I hope it doesn't get much lower. Then another stick further in as the water dropped and 'Oh bugger'. Yet another stick and we started the plans to bring water from the big dam on the other side of the property, a project that would cost $$$. Over the last few weeks, glorious, sustaining rain. The figs are plump and sweet.

Figs, proscuitto, blue cheese, balsamic 👍

Sausages and Mince (Crazy Trevs naming system)


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