Friday, December 29, 2017

Moving to Instagram

We've decided that it's much easier to post more frequent updates on Instagram rather then continue the blog, so just as our place is evolving so is our social media output.

We've had about 170mm of rain over the last few weeks and its obvious from the growth we've seen from our fruit trees and vegie garden. It looks like we may get our first paw paws, grapes and pecans this year.

Frogs are lovin' the current stormy weather !
We were away from the property for a few days last week so the verandah must have been a quiet and peaceful haven for the local wildlife. A shrike thrush obviously thought so because it built a nest right outside the front door. Every time we go outside he flies away so now we have had to use the side door to avoid disturbing him. Oh well. I guess its only for a few weeks.

Shrike Thrush nesting in a hanging pot, on the front veranda !
We currently have 6 dragon fruit plants but only one is advanced enough to have flowers. Unfortunately we need two varieties to flower at the same time to achieve pollination so up the ladder I go to give them a hand. The flowers only open once and only at night so you have to be vigilant and using a paint brush transfer the pollen from one flower to the next. Hopefully we've been successful.
Hand pollinating a dragonfruit.

You can find us on Instagram here

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


One of the jobs on the property that we feel is a priority is clearing lantana. This tenacious and invasive weed chokes the native vegetation, obstructs the view of the land and restricts our ability to walk the property.  Aside from the cleared area around the house and sheds the whole property was covered in it when we arrived. It varied from sparse, to thick, to impassable.  Since we arrived we have been clearing after it rains and the ground has become wet enough to allow it to come out more easily. So when we have long periods of dry, we leave it be because it's nearly impossible to pull up. When I say clearing I mean hand pulling each and every single piece of lantana.

That said, we have cleared three quarters of the property. The scaled map below shows the extent of land we have cleared. We have also done repulls of most of the areas which is essential to ensure that we keep on top of regrowth.

We have seen kangaroos at our place regularly and across our property since we started clearing. When we arrived we never saw them.  Other landholders who haven't been as fastidious with clearing report they never see kangaroos, I suspect it's because they can't travel through the stuff.

Lantana pulled and stacked, roots off the ground !

One of the other joys is exposing pretty areas that were previously completely covered in the stuff.

Small waterfall in the creek, previously screened via lantana

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The start of our grove and much more...

The Start

We have an area in the back yard which was once a small dam filled with an invasive weed. The weed was a great additive to our compost piles as it added heaps of nitrogen and was a great mulch but we were concerned about the weed escaping during heavy rain and washing into the surrounding creeks. A friend of ours did a great job of filling in the dam with a front end loader.

After filling the dam in 2012, thanks Steve.
This will be the start of our grove. Over the last two years we have been scattering any spare green matter that I didn't want in the compost, like weeds or woodier stems which break down slowly and chook poo and horse poo to try and improve the soil.

Our grove is underway with 2 x native tamarinds, two finger limes a lemon and a black mulberry.

In 2016 we visited Daleys Nursery in Kyogle and purchased a few fruit trees to add to them. A Grumichama  and a Cherimoya  as well as another Macadamia.

Fast forward to 2017

And one of the Tamarinds died, as did one of the native Finger Limes, the rest are doing well.  

Cherimoya doing well., doubled in size !

Eureka, it's a Lemon !

We've since added Dragon Fruits x4 , a Blood Orange.  

Blood Orange

Around the yard

Down in the netted Orchard we've also added 2 x Avocados (a Type A and a Type B) , a dwarf Mulberry and 2 more varieties of Figs.  

We also added a Liquid Amber Tree to replace the two Oleanders that were in the back yard that we removed, 
Liquid Amber
as well as a Crab Apple for its bee attractant properties and it's fruit is full of pectin for jam setting.

Banksia in flower !

In the garden

Winter is coming, some things are lovin' it, some not so much.  

Oranges getting close

Asparagus getting closer to needing to be cut back (when they brown off)

Bok Choi

Echinacea as a bee attract and Insect deterrent for naughty insects !

New Passionfruit, seeds courtesy of Trevor's Mum !

In the kitchen

Toni has been busy as always, making her own Mayo, Rosella Jam and Sauces etc.  Bread and Cheese of course, Mozzarella this time.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Renovating !


Originally we had one "middle powered" saw but as anyone with a property knows, eventually you discover you need a large saw and a small saw.  We managed to find a great bargain on Gumtree for a large petrol powered saw in immaculate condition and when doing some research for a small saw we decided to go with the cordless Stihl MSA 200.  Being on solar, the energy for this smaller one is essentially "free" from the sun. There's no pollution or carbon emissions as from two stroke engine (which are incredibly polluting).  The gotcha was, with all cordless equipment the upfront cost of the battery but essentially you're paying all your fuel up front.  It's very quiet, no muffs necessary, only needs bar oil and cut through this tree easily.  Two thumbs up for everything aside from cost.

Renovating the Bench Seats

We had two old bench seats, both were unusable but the metal ends were in good condition.  One was aluminium, and one was cast iron!   We finally decided to renovate them to make them useable and Wow! have they come up beautifully.
old bench seat

ripping the wood (river redgum) to length

finished and in place

Renovating Fireplace

The drum acted as an expansion chamber providing heating in the bedroom but it has seen better days (you can see the rust holes in the base below) so we decided it was time to replace it.
Old Drum, looking worse for wear
 we managed to find a used 60l oil drum on Gumtree for $10 and got to work...

Repurposed Oil Drum, holes cut and sanded

... and painted

Fixing the flue