Friday, December 29, 2017

Moving to Instagram

We've decided that it's much easier to post more frequent updates on Instagram rather then continue the blog, so just as our place is evolving so is our social media output.

We've had about 170mm of rain over the last few weeks and its obvious from the growth we've seen from our fruit trees and vegie garden. It looks like we may get our first paw paws, grapes and pecans this year.

Frogs are lovin' the current stormy weather !
We were away from the property for a few days last week so the verandah must have been a quiet and peaceful haven for the local wildlife. A shrike thrush obviously thought so because it built a nest right outside the front door. Every time we go outside he flies away so now we have had to use the side door to avoid disturbing him. Oh well. I guess its only for a few weeks.

Shrike Thrush nesting in a hanging pot, on the front veranda !
We currently have 6 dragon fruit plants but only one is advanced enough to have flowers. Unfortunately we need two varieties to flower at the same time to achieve pollination so up the ladder I go to give them a hand. The flowers only open once and only at night so you have to be vigilant and using a paint brush transfer the pollen from one flower to the next. Hopefully we've been successful.
Hand pollinating a dragonfruit.

You can find us on Instagram here


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