Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gettin' stuff done...

Busy day doing farm chores today.  Cut, split and stacked a heap of wood for use in the fireplace.  Installed trellis's for the 4 rows of peas, then weeded and mulched the strawberries among of myriad of smaller chores.

Strawberries; freshly weeded and mulched

We have been grabbing handfuls of the strawberries each morning to have with breakfast.  This morning we had boiled eggs from our chickens, home made bread with butter and home made marmalade, followed by a handful of strawberries fresh from the garden, all the while were watching the variety of honey eaters that have appeared to revel in Springs gift of flowers for their indulgence from the table on the verandah.

Blue Faced Honeyeater
Scarlet Honeyeater

Eastern Spinebill (male)


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