Friday, December 2, 2011

garden and more

The garden has been going along superbly.  Toni harvested and dried garlic last week, here she is

Beautiful garlic

enjoying the subtle aromas of one of the several flavours she has grown. Plenty of fruit coming from our mini orchard, Raspberries, Brazillian Cherries, Peaches and Apples at the moment and even a handful of Blueberries !  The strawberries and Nectarines have finished.

A plump Raspberry ripe for the picking !

Brazillian Cherry

More Blueberries on the way to ripening

and many of the other fruit trees are flowering or have small fruit all over them.  The passion fruit for instance, has the most gorgeous flowers
Intricate and delicate Passion fruit flower

and the BlackBerry is covered in flowers and small unripened fruit
Thornless blackberry flower

and with all the rain we are having, the Dams are of course full as is the frog pond near the greenhouse.  The lillies in the pond provide the most stunning of flowers

Partly opened lilly flower in the frog pond

What a Whopper !

We collected the largest egg we have ever seen from our chooks the other day, a massive 107grams.
One of the girls lays a HUGE egg

 remembering XL chook eggs at a supermarket are about 60 grams.  I have no idea how she managed to push this out without rupturing something !

and I finally got off my butt and dug the ferns out that had been spreading like weeds along the side of the house.  One of the concerns was attracting termites as the ferns blocked all the wind, and the area could
never dry out.  Termites are apparently attracted to moisture.

Free of the ferns !

So now I have to collect large rocks to line the edge of the bed and smaller rocks to lay on top of the double layer of weed mat.  Hopefully not to many ferns will grow back!


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