Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wet, wet, wet

Wet, wet, wet - January 2013 Floods

Continuing with the musical theme from the last post, wet it was... We copped some 600mm over four days (estimate as the gauge went over the top one day) from the residual of ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald

Weather Radar Image Capture

We weren't alone though, with much of the Queensland and Northen NSW east coast similarly affected and it was apparently the largest recorded flooding of the Grafton river

The Dam overflowed
Dam, full to capacity

the creek through our property burst it's banks in a couple places and was flowing a torrent

Creek roaring with water

the property suffered some minor damage, mostly driveway erosion and tree-falls
A tree fell and I didn't hear !
though the garden has some damage and the recently planted Tamarillo that was doing really well also decided it was all too much.

and we were flooded in for several days. with the Oakey Ck causeway crossing impassable
Oakey Ck causeway flooded

but the advantage of trying to achieve a modicum degree of self sustainability and living up a slope away from the Nymboida River saw us catch up with our movie watching and book reading.


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